Adding and editing a Post

A post is a timely piece you want to appear on the home page like a news story or an alert. If you want to to publish something more static (e.g. About Us or Contact), consider adding a page, not a post.

To add a new Post

  1. Log into the site using your or account
  2. Click Posts > Add New in the left-side of the screen
  3. Give your post a title
    1. Make it unique
    2. Be specific
    3. Convey a sense of urgency
    4. Make it useful
Lame TitlesCool Titles
Alcothon Needs Volunteers Alcothon Needs You
Pre-Conference Pre-Conference Will Be In La Connor
Corrections Update Correspondence Program Going Strong
District Picnic Maroon 5 to Play District Picnic
  1. Write your post
    1. Summarize the take-aways first.  That’s usually what will get read.  Details and specifics can go later.
    2. Write informally and keep it light!  We’re all friends here
Choosing a category
  1. Under Document, select a category like “Grapevine & Literature”
  2. Under Document, click Set Featured Image
    Pick an existing image in the Media Library or Upload a new image (Upload Files)
    1. When uploading a new image to the media library use wider landscape images rather than portrait
    2. Use high quality images
    3. No Clip art
      1. Keep it authentic to the Eastside.  Try to use local images rather than stock images
      2. No identifiable pictures of A.A. members (except for the founders)
  3. Click Publish
  4. The site then asks you to double-check your settings.  Click Publish again.

Congratulations! You just added a new post!

Editing a Post

  1. Log into the site using your or account
  2. Surf to the post you want to edit the way any visitor would
  3. Once you’re on the page you want to edit, click Edit Post at the top.
  4. Make your edits and click Update