Grapevine & Literature

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Learn about A.A. lit­er­a­ture, re­lated ser­vice ma­te­r­ial, and how to ob­tain it. This com­mit­tee is at times a trav­el­ing dis­play of the lit­er­a­ture avail­able at the In­ter­group of­fice. This com­mit­tee will some­times re­ceive in­vi­ta­tions to spe­cial events. such as grat­i­tude din­ners, and con­fer­ences. There they will set p a table of Gen­eral Ser­vice and Grapevine lit­er­a­ture. This com­mit­tee also sched­ules a writ­ing work­shop each year.

Grapevine & Lit­er­a­ture Com­mit­tee Chair: Lind­say S. grapevine@east­