Area 72 GSR University
Area 72
GSR University: GSR Course 301 – Area Quarterlies, Assemblies, Committees, Elections
May 1 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
- All “courses” will be virtual via zoom. In May/June we can reevaluate where we are at and if in-person, district hosted GSR/DCM are an option.
- The materials will be broken up into smaller sessions – 1.5-2 hours each.
- Each GSR “course” is available three times during the month. GSRs – pick the date/time that works best for their schedule.
- Each DCM “course” will be available once a month. DCM’s please mark your calendars so you can attend each session.
- ALL are welcome to attend – just pick the one(s) that work best for your schedule.
- This way ALL will get the same education early in the rotation.
- Those GSRs/DCMs who attend all 4 courses will GRADUATE and receive a surprise of some kind at the end.
- Meeting ID: 869 0922 4901
- Passcode: 044124
- One tap mobile: +12532158782,,86909224901#,,,,*044124# US (Tacoma)
GSR University – Save the Dates! (Zoom Log in info and Flier to follow at a later date)
- Sunday, 5/29 from 5pm-6:30pm, GSRCourse 401 – Commitment/Accountability, Rotation, Informed Group Conscience, Inventories, Service Sponsorship
English : GSR University-Course 301-EN
Spanish : GSR University-Course 301-ESP