12th Step

Home » 12th Step

Our 12th Step Co­or­di­na­tor is re­spon­si­ble for main­tain­ing the 12th step list of vol­un­teers that are will­ing to help an­other al­co­holic. The co­or­di­na­tor also sched­ules work­shops to cover ma­te­ri­als per­ti­nent to 12th step calls.  

If you are in­ter­ested in be­ing on the 12th Step list with East­side In­ter­group, please com­plete the fol­low­ing form and you will be con­tacted by our co­or­di­na­tor with the next work­shop date.

Chair­per­son: Tom Z. 12th­Step@east­sideaa.org

Step 12: Hav­ing had a spir­i­tual awak­en­ing as the re­sult of these steps, we tried to carry this mes­sage to al­co­holics, and to prac­tice these prin­ci­ples in all our af­fairs.

12th Step Volunteer Form
Fields marked with an * are required
Gender *
Availability (please mark all that apply) *
