District 34
Bellevue, Mercer Island, Redmond, Sammamish, Newcastle
District 34
District 34 has become one of the largest Eastside Districts, covering most of Redmond and Bellevue. Their District meetings are at 7:00 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of the month. The District 34 business meetings are currently hybrid meeting at the Kelsey Creek Church, 1221 148th Ave NE in
Bellevue and on Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/92414497274?pwd=T3RUTHlFSmVFWW1JRzhMYXN5dWhEZz09
Meeting ID: 924 1449 7274
Passcode: 061035
Also Dial in: (253) 215-8782
If your group would like to send in contributions, they can be mailed to:
District 34
PO Box 50081
Bellevue, WA 98015